Moonstone Gemstone

 Moonstone (also called rainbow moonstone) is soft milky white stone. The moonstone named for its semblance in color to the moon. It is a gemstone that belongs to Feldspar family. Feldspar is a group of minerals that are very important in rock formation, accounting for over half the earth's crust. Some moonstone is a variety of albite feldspar, which is a sodium aluminum silicate.

It exhibits a range of colors including yellow, a pale silver sheen, a blue, pink and pale shades of peach and apricot. The rarest and most expensive will be colorless with a floating blue color that seems to hover above the stone. In India it was believed that moonstones placed in the mouth during a full moon would allow you to correctly envision the future. It's been claimed that moonstone can lead to psychic immortality because it fortifies the spirit to stand alone from the body.

Moonstone has a mystical power and is believed to be protective for women and babies. It's also associated with the sea and planting cycles. It is said that it is a sacred stone India. It is believed to bring good fortune. Legend says that Moonstone is a highly prized gift for lovers as it arouses tender passion.

Moonstone along with alexandrite and pearls are birthstones of a person born under the zodiac sign of of Gemini (Twins) from May 21 - June 21. It is the anniversary gemstone for the 13th year of marriage oonstone is the 13th anniversary stone.

On Mohs’ scale of hardness, moonstone is 6-6.5. It has a vitreous luster and primary sources include Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Brazil, India, Madagascar and the United States.

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