Aquamarine Gemstone

 Aquamarine is derived from latin words aqua (“water”) and marine (“blue”). It is a gemstone-quality transparent variety of beryl, having a delicate blue or turquoise color, suggestive of the tint of seawater. It's closely related to the gem emerald. Colors vary and yellow beryl, called heliodor; rose pink beryl, morganite; and white beryl, goshenite are known. Beryl is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminum silicate, a commercial source of beryllium.

Aquamarine is 7.5-8 on Mohs’ scale of hardness. Its primary sources include Brazil, Russia (the Urals), Australia (Queensland), Burma (Myanmar), China, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the United States.

Aquamarine healing ability works against nerve pain, glandular problems, toothache, and disorders of the neck, jaw and throat. It strengthens liver and kidneys and diminishes problems with eyes, ears and stomach, relieves cough. Moreover, aquamarine protects from perils of the sea, including seasickness.

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